Fast web hosting makes all the difference to visitor retention and our dedicated hosting can help your website achieve significant a speed increase over your competitor’s website.

The animation below illustrates the difference between routeToWeb’s dedicated server and a VPS from a budget hosting provider. They are actual times recorded in November 2020 for the home page load time when the website was transferred. Scroll down and select the started button to view the difference.

After migration
Before migration
Desktop web page
Desktop web page

Did you know that 47% of customers expect a page to load in less than 2 seconds or less?

40% of people abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load?

And a 1-second delay in page response, can result in a 7% reduction in conversions!

When was the last time you checked your website speed?

You can do it easily on our page speed checker by simply entering your website address.

Google Pagespeed Insights

Shave time off page load time

Our dedicated hosting packages can help with improving your page speed. We’ve recently migrated our hosting clients to our dedicated server, and it has shaved an average of 1.2 seconds off each website’s home page load time.

Shaving time

Give your visitors a fast response

This website went from a server response time averaging 780ms to an average of 58ms; a real game changer of a speed increase!

Initial response rate

How do I start to get a faster website?

It is like building a house, start with a firm foundation. A good solid web server will help deliver your site to you visitors in the shortest possible time.

Who and what benefits from a quick website?

For several years Google has use the speed of your website as part of its ranking algorithm, the faster the better, so it plays an important part in your site’s SEO. But it’s probably more important for your visitors and helps keep them on the site, as nobody likes a slow site. The figures listed above show how important speed is to retain these website visitors and how important it is for website load quickly. However, it is not all down to the server, there are numerous other factors that control the speed, but if the foundations powering the site are not up to speed the rest pales into insignificance.

What else can I improve my website’s speed?

Websites should be optimised to give the fullest experience to the visitor as possible. Image size and the file format used for the images plays a part. JPEGs are often best for photographs and GIFs work well with line art and small animations. PNGs can be good for both and offer a good transparency option, however they often produce a larger file size. The latest WebP format combines the best of the rest and generally creates a smaller file size.
Other techniques involve minifying some parts of the code, such as advanced caching techniques and using data compression while delivering the content.
routeToWeb can help you with this too.

 Website BuildersBudget HostingOur Hosting
CostLow cost.Beware of the introductory offers leading to dearer hosting later on.Affordable see table below.
PowerLess powerful than WordPress and other established CMSs.Easy to install popular website software such as WordPress & Joomla!A fully dedicated server, optimised to deliver your website in the shortest possible time.
DevelopmentVisual page builders – easy to edit but not always flexible.Install themes or use the default themes, but you still need to configure them.We do most of the design and development and can guide you through adding and editing content if that’s the route you wish to take.
HostingShared hosting with many many more websites which limits resources and impacts on the speed.Shared virtual private servers. The server resources are shared across each VPS, which then shares its resources across each website it hosts.Dedicated and fast. We know each and every website that is hosted. Secured by a dedicated firewall.
FunctionalityLimited to what’s provided with no way of adding other functionality within the website.Can be limited to the default and inflexible plugins.Stand out from the crowd with our optional bespoke design and development.
SEOYou need to know what is needed and be prepared to do the work, that is if you can get to the parts that you need to edit.With the knowledge, time and the correct plugins you can do this yourself.We can help, advise and set the in-page SEO elements. We also work with established SEO partners to work with you to help you climb the ranking ladder.
Knowledge requiredGoogle is your friend.You or your designer can do the work.We have the knowledge and will help you when needed.
Not working? Who do you call?Google is your friend or their support.Google is your friend or their support.No technical knowledge required as that our job!
BackupsVaries between suppliers.Your responsibility.Daily.
Migrate a websiteGenerally bespoke systems with no way to migrate and existing website.Yes, but it’s most likely down to you to do it and master the configuration, database, DNS, FTP and so on.Yes, we handle it all. Migrate the database, migrate the website and we can even migrate emails with sufficient access to the old server.
Where hostedGenerally not in the UK.Anywhere.In the UK, which helps with GDPR compliance.
Monthly Hosting Fee
  GB disk Quota FTP accounts Email accounts Databases Sub domains Cost*
Starter 3 2 1 2 2 £15.99
Standard 7.5 2 2 2 5 £17.99
Pro 15 3 2 3 5 £24.99
Beyond Pro 40 5 2 5 5 £33.99
Email only 20 1 £7.95

* + VAT at the current rate

Migration fees start at £240.00 for a typical WordPress website migration to our server. Non-WordPress sites with complicated functionality and bespoke server interaction by quote.

Pop your details into the form below and we’ll get back to you to discuss how we can help you improve your website’s response time.

For a chat, please pop along to our Zoom 1:2:1 appointment page and make an appointment to suit you.