If you are like many website owners your last website health check was some time ago. Meaning errors can lay undetected for weeks, months or even years. routeToWeb will help you by running a website health check that details how your website is performing, then, if necessary, make the recommended changes.
What We Can Do
From only £85.00 we will run a full snapshot website health check survey that scans through your website and reports on the following issues:
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Broken links
- Readability
- Search ranking
- SEO fundamentals
- Website speed
- Mobile compatibility
- Best practice.
We will then spend up to an hour making the suggested changes to improve your visitor experience, to help improve your search engine ranking and give you peace of mind that your website is operating at its best.
We don’t know what the website health check report will highlight, and the above fee only covers two reports and the first hour of improvements. If the issues are not fixed within the hour and with your permission, we continue until all issues are fixed. Or, if you prefer and depending on your budget, is to spread the improvements over a few months.
What We Will Need From You
For content management systems (CMS) driven websites such as WordPress and Joomla! we will need a minimum access level of at least editor, but most likely admin level.
For sites that are not CMS driven we will need FTP access to give us access to the files.
To track search ranking we will need your preferred keywords and the URLs of your competitor’s websites.
What To Do Next For Your Website Health Check
Call us on 01733 270872 or use the contact form to send us a message.
We will notify you if your website improvements will take longer than the given hour. Further improvement work is charged by the hour at £65.00 in 15-minute blocks.
The report will be run twice. The first time to find issues and the second time to show the improvements. Further reports will be charged at £25.00 per report, and a monthly report will be needed if the improvements are spread over a few months.
You will receive a PDF copy of the reports.
If your budget only allows for us to work on the site for an hour, by default we will work in the following order, unless agreed with you to do it differently: mobile compatibility, missing files, broken links, spelling, grammar.
If we can’t locate missing files on the server, we will provide a list of them to you. It will be your responsibility to supply these missing files.
The report covers up to 250 pages but works best with websites up to 100 pages.
All prices above exclude VAT which will be charged at the current rate.
Offer expires 31 January 2021.
WordPress & MS Word
Create your content in Microsoft Word and ensure that you set the headings, bold text, bullet points and so on in there. Then when you copy and paste the whole document into WordPress’s block editor they will automatically be set there too.